
The 12 Days of BBQ
Partridges and pear trees are great and all—but what about a delicious honey ham with a side of garlic mashed potatoes? If everything’s better with barbecue sauce, then the same must go for ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’.- Taylor Mitchell

The Griller’s Guide to All Things Bacon
When someone says “Canada,” what do you think of first? Snow would likely come to mind, along with, perhaps, hockey—but we’re sure that “bacon” is somewhere in the mix.- Taylor Mitchell

7 Steps for the Perfect Labour Day Barbecue
With Fall quickly approaching, what better way is there to celebrate the final long weekend of the summer than with an outdoor BBQ? Although grilling isn’t specific to one season, it is doubtful that your friends and family would want to enjoy a BBQ picnic outside in minus 30 degrees Celsius—so make use of the warm weather while you still can!- Taylor Mitchell

Valentine's Day Around the World: 5 BBQ Traditions
When you think about Valentine’s Day, there are a few things that likely pop into your head: red roses, heart-shaped chocolates, teddy bears, and other similarly romantic gifts and treats.- Taylor Mitchell

The Perfect Christmas Menu for Your Entire Family
It’s no question that this holiday season will look vastly different than others before it. Christmas parties may be smaller, and kisses under the mistletoe will likely be few and far between, but this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try and make the most of the holidays.- Taylor Mitchell

Quick’n’Easy BBQ Recipes for National Fast Food Day
Sometimes you want to spend hours crafting a complex meal, and sometimes you want your food to magically appear on your plate.- Taylor Mitchell

Grateful for the Grill: Your BBQ Thanksgiving Menu
The pandemic has affected each one of us differently, but it’s safe to say that all our lives have looked quite different in the past few months. Despite the difficult circumstances our world is in right now, it’s still important to be thankful.- Taylor Mitchell

8 Winning Smoker Recipes for Every Meal
No, your smoker is not just for your backyard dinners—every meal is an opportunity to flex your grilling skills and test out new recipes.- Taylor Mitchell

7 Reasons Why Pellet Grilling is one of the Hottest Trends in the Industry
If we look at some of the biggest and best inventions of the past decade, what do they all have in common? They make our lives easier. Electric cars allow us to eat our breakfast while driving to work;- Taylor Mitchell